Dr. Wolfgang Degen

Dr. Wolfgang Degen

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 10 (System Simulation)









Older Publications of Wolfgang Degen

  • “Systeme der Kumulativen Logik”, Philosophia Verlag, Munich 1983
  • “Some Things Some Functions May Be, Some Others Can’t Be” (with K. Leeb, G. Pirillo, H. Sperber) Actes du Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire X, Burg Feuerstein 1984 (R. König, ed.), Publications de l’IRMA 244/S-110, Strasbourg, 1985, p. 56
  • “Set-theoretic results on reflections” Notices of the AMS, 1986, p. 432
  • “Set Theory and Infinitary Binomial Coefficients” Actes du Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire XV, Schney 1986 (A. Kerber, ed.), Publications de l’IRMA 340/S-15, Strasbourg, 1987, pp. 23-38
  • “Das onto-logische Sechseck” Grazer Philosophische Studien 32 (1988) pp. 113-121
  • “There can be a Permutation that is not the Product of Two Reflections” Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 34 (1988) pp. 65-66
  • “Mereology in Leibniz’s Logic and Philosophy” (with H. Burkhardt) Topoi 9 (1990) pp. 3-13
  • “On Internal and External Relations”, in: R. Haller, J. Brandl (eds.): “Wittgenstein – Eine Neubewertung”, Schriftenreihe der Wittgensteingesellschaft Bd. 19, Vienna 1990, pp. 100-105
  • “Takeuti’s Conjecture for Certain Infinitary Type Theories”, in: 9th int. cong. Logic, Methodology, Philosophy of Science, Uppsala 1991, Section 1, 7
  • “Some Contributions to the Model Theory of Mono-Unaries” Actes du Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire XXVI, Thurnau 1991 (A. Kerber, ed.) Publications de l’IRMA 476/S-26, Strasbourg, 1992, pp. 7-11
  • “Kontext, Komposition und Proposition” Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1992) pp. 143-146
  • “Accidents IV: The Ontological Hexagon”, “Ego”, “Gödel, Kurt” and “Tense Logic” in: H. Burkhardt and B. Smith (eds.) Handbook of Metaphysics and Ontology , Philosophia Verlag Munich 1992
  • “Two Formal Vindications of Logicism”, in: J. Czermak (ed.): “Philosophie der Mathematik”, Schriftenreihe der Wittgensteingesellschaft Bd. 20/1, Vienna 1993, pp. 243-250
  • “Some Aspects and Examples of Infinity Notions”, new material
  • “Some Aspects and Examples of Infinity Notions (2)”, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1994) pp. 111-124
  • Review of T. E. Forster “Set Theory with a Universal Set. Exploring an Untyped Universe”, Oxford Logic Guides 20, 1992; in Studia Logica 53 (1994), pp. 586-595
  • “Some Theorems of Mono-Unaries”, in: 10th int. cong. Logic, Methodology, Philosophy of Science, Florence 1995, Section 2, 70-71
  • “Cumulative higher-order logic as a foundation for set theory”, with J. Johannsen, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 1998, 103-104
  • “Complete Infinitary Type Logics”, Studia Logica 63: 85-119, 1999 (additional material)
  • “Some Principles of Non-Migration”, 22nd International Wittgenstein Symposium 1999, 147-154
  • “Ontologie der Vorstellungen”, 2000, Wittgenstein Society, 148-156
  • “Cumulative Higher-Order Logic as a Foundation for Set Theory”, with J. Johannsen, Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 2000, 46 2: 147-170
  • “Pigeonhole and Choice Principles”, Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 2000, 46 3, 313-334
  • “Contributions for the Ontological Foundation of Knowledge Modelling”, with Heller and Herre, 2001, Report Nr. 02. Institut fuer Informatik, Universitaet Leipzig
  • “GOL: A General Ontological Language”, with Heller, Herre, Smith, FOIS’01, 2001, 34-46
  • “Proof Theory for Finitely Valid Sentences”, Reports on Mathematical Logic, 2001, 35: 47-59
  • “GOL: A Framework for Building and Representing Ontologies”, in Heller, Herre, Smith (ed.), Ontological Spring, 2002, IFOMIS Reports 1 Leipzig, 182-203
  • “Rigid Unary Functions and the Axiom of Choice”, Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 47 2, 197-204, 2002
  • “Factors of Functions, AC and Recursive Analogues”, Mathematical Logic Quaterly, 48 1, 73-86, 2002
  • “GOL-Manual”, with Heller and Herre, OntoMed-Report, 2003
  • “On Wittgenstein on Mathematics”, 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2004, Marek and Reicher (ed.), 8 and 95-97
  • “On Persistence Through Time”, 28th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2005, 55-56
  • “Leibniz’s Metaphysics: New Concepts via Old Terms, Parts of Perceptions and Appetites”, (with H.Burkhardt), D. Berlioz et F. Nef (ed.), Leibniz et les puissances du langage (151-162), 2005
  • “‘On Denoting’ and Some Infelicitous Consequences”, Guido Imaguire ~ Bernard Linsky (ed.), On Denoting 1905-2005, 381-395, 2005